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Tema: I Live In My Truck With My Dog And Travel Across The Country

  1. #1
    Usuari Registrat Avatar de Ramon
    Data d'ingrés
    23 abr, 13

    I Live In My Truck With My Dog And Travel Across The Country

    Després de que en Pascual pengés la programació de les hivernals previstes per aquest hivern he recordat el post d'un noi en que parla del seu viatge a Alaska, les fotos son boníssimes i a mi em va agradar molt i espero que a vosaltres també us agradi.

    Va estar al bus on va viure i morir en Chris Mccandless a començaments dels 90.

    És un copy&paste de l'original

    I Live In My Truck With My Dog And Travel Across The Country

    1 year ago by​ Dwayne Parton

    After realizing that I could work from almost anywhere, I decided to move into my truck with my dog and drive to Alaska. I look for dispersed (FREE) campsites in National Forests, go on long solo hikes, and explore the world around me. It’s not the most convenient way to live, but it’s certainly beautiful.
    I’ve only made it to Wyoming. The country is so incredible, people are so friendly, and some places are just hard to leave. Beauty is everywhere if you know how to look. Sometimes you don’t have to look hard. I’m learning that the more you see, the more you realize, there is more to see.
    All photos taken with iPhone.
    More info:

    After realizing that I could work from almost anywhere, I decided to move into my truck with my dog and drive to Alaska

    I look for dispersed campsites in National Forests

    I go on long solo hikes and explore the world around me

    It’s not the most convenient way to live, but it’s certainly beautiful

    The country is so incredible, people are so friendly, and some places are just hard to leave

    Beauty is everywhere if you know how to look

    A admin li agrada.
    Preocupa't més per la teva consciència que per la teva reputació.
    Perquè la teva consciència és el que ets, i la teva reputació és el que els altres pensen de tu, i això és problema d'ells.
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  2. #2
    Usuari Registrat Avatar de Ramon
    Data d'ingrés
    23 abr, 13
    I Live In My Truck With My Dog And Travel Across The Country (Part 2)

    1 year ago by​ Dwayne Parton

    My dog, Bobby, and I moved into my truck and left North Carolina 90+ days ago bound for Alaska. This is a follow-up post and end to the first chapter of our journey. We’ve driven thousands of miles, picked up hitchhikers, hiked into the wild, and discovered that we were doing more than wandering.
    We’ve decided to stay for a few months to explore, make connections, and start planning the next journey. Winter is coming so we rented a room to base out of. My job is completely mobile and I work every day.
    We’ve given up a lot to wander. We’ve found more.
    More info: Instagram

    I could work from almost anywhere, so I took my dog Bobby and drove to Alaska

    We’ve driven thousands of miles, picked up hitchhikers, hiked into the wild, and discovered that we were doing more than wandering

    We’ve decided to stay for a few months to explore, make connections, and start planning the next journey

    We’ve given up a lot to wander. We’ve found more

    A admin li agrada.
    Preocupa't més per la teva consciència que per la teva reputació.
    Perquè la teva consciència és el que ets, i la teva reputació és el que els altres pensen de tu, i això és problema d'ells.
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